Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 7

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Use the clues in the passage to help you match each word to its meaning.
Write the letter of the correct definition on the line. Use a dictionary if needed.

The Sumatran Rhino
Of the five surviving species of rhinoceros, the Sumatran is the smallest. It is about 8-9
feet in length and weighs up to 1,700 pounds. Of its two horns, the front is the more
prominent. It can be worn down but will regenerate even if broken. The upper lip is
This rhino’s facial skin is wrinkled, but the area around the muzzle is unwrinkled due to
keratinization. Its body skin is rough and granular with a conspicuous fold behind the
shoulders. In the young, coarse bristly hair is plentiful but diminishes with age.
The Sumatran rhino is surprisingly agile. It can climb thickly forested mountain sides—
too steep for a man. Its poor vision is offset by its keen senses of smell and hearing. It is
an elusive creature and is able to survive in rain forest areas practically impenetrable by
man and other animals.

_____ 1. conspicuous

_____ 2. keratinization

_____ 3. agile

_____ 4. impenetrable

_____ 5. regenerate

_____ 6. bristly

_____ 7. elusive

_____ 8. prehensile

a. impossible to pass through, enter, or pierce

b. clever or tricky in avoiding or escaping

c. easy to see; readily apparent

d. brushlike; having short stiff hairs

e. to form or grow back a lost part

f. hardening of protein, such as found in hair, skin

g. able to grasp things

h. skillful in movement; quick or keen
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