Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 7

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: How do you find people and services in your community? The phone book is still a
good source. For Part 1, the phone book shown represents a combination of the white
and yellow pages. Use it to answer the questions. For Part 2, use your real phone book.

Section 1:
Customer and Emergency

Section 2:
Government Listings

Section 3:
White Pages/Residences

Section 4:
Yellow Pages/Businesses

Find the following in your phone book.

To what section would you go to first to find ....



  1. the phone number of a friend? _____

  2. the poison control center? _____

  3. the location of a bank branch? _____

  4. a listing of stores that sell camping equipment? _____

  5. your city recreation and parks department? _____

  6. the number of your state senator? _____

  7. someone to board your pets? __

  8. a driving instruction school? _____

  9. the address of someone you know? __

  10. how to get information about your phone bill? _____

  11. the name of a bicycle repair shop near you: __

  12. the number to call to report a problem with the telephone line: ____

  13. the location of an Italian restaurant near you: _____

  14. the number of a place you could rent a musical instrument: ____

  15. the address and phone number of a dentist: __

  16. the non-emergency number of your police department: ___

  17. the number to call for information on an airline’s arrivals: __

  18. the location of a movie theater near you: ____

  19. the phone number of your public library: ____

  20. the name of a local veterinarian: ____

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