Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 7

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ _



Fill in the bubble of the correct answer.

  1. Whointroduced the Julian calendar?

O Pope Gregory XIII O Julius Caesar O prehistoric people

  1. Whatmight monuments like Stonehenge have been used for?

O to track the moon O to track the Earth O to track the sun

  1. Whydid Pope Gregory XIII appoint a team of men to revise the calendar?

O He didn’t like Caesar O no reason O for accuracy

  1. Whendid we stop using the Gregorian calendar?

O in prehistoric times O in 45 B.C. O We still use it today.

  1. Whereis Stonehenge located?

O in Rome O in England O in the U.S.A.

Tracking Time
How was a year defined in Prehistoric
times? No one knows for sure, but it is
thought that people might have used
monuments, such as Stonehenge in
England, to track the sun’s position in the
sky in order to measure the length of a
The early Romans created a calendar based
on the cycles of the moon. However, when
Julius Caesar became Emperor of Rome
around 45 B.C., he introduced the Julian
calendar. This calendar marked time by
measuring the Earth’s revolution around
the sun.
A few centuries later, Pope Gregory XIII
appointed a team of learned men to help
make the Julian calendar more accurate. It
became known as the Gregorian calendar,
and it is the system we still use today to
chart the passage of a year.
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