Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 7

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read each passage. Look for signals. Then, choose the correct time: past,
present, or future.

  1. When dinosaurs ruled the land, the
    world looked very different from how it
    looks today. Where there are now dry
    plains, there were once fern-filled
    The passage is about events in the
    O past
    O present
    O future

  2. When we reached Saturn everyone was
    relieved. Our spaceship had had some
    technical difficulty as we navigated
    through the meteor shower.
    The passage is about events in the
    O past
    O present
    O future

  3. I am a nutritionist at the city zoo. This
    year, I am teaching visiting groups
    about what it takes to feed a zoo
    population. I have to plan meals for
    approximately 7,000 animals each
    The passage is about events in the
    O past
    O present
    O future
    4. Thousands stood up and cheered
    when the ball went into the net. Jose
    had scored the first winning goal in
    the 21st century.
    The passage is about events in the
    O past
    O present
    O future
    5. My family and I live in North
    America. We are members of the
    Sioux tribe and live in a teepee.
    The passage is about events in the
    O past
    O present
    O future
    6. Can you believe it? Grandpa told me
    that when he was a boy he did not
    have a computer, TV, cell phone,
    boom box, etc. Amazing!
    The passage is about events in the
    O past
    O present
    O future

Signal words can give you a hint about when events
take place. Pay attention to them as you read.
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