Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 7

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read the passage. Then, answer the questions.

The Olmec
When archaeologists slashed through the jungles of Central America, they uncovered
one of the oldest and most baffling civilizations on the continent—the Olmec.
Around 1200 B.C. this advanced culture was able to clear
incredibly dense jungle to raise crops. Bountiful harvests
supplied a surplus of food, which enabled some of the
people to devote their attention to other matters. The
Olmec constructed cities, formed a government, and
became skilled artists and sculptors. They developed a
calendar, a counting system, and a form of hieroglyphic
writing—all of which would influence the later
civilizations of the region.
The Olmec culture thrived for about 1,000 years, yet
much of who they were and how they lived is still shrouded
in mystery.

  1. Are the jungles of Central America thin or thick? _____

Which word tells you so? _________________________

  1. Do we fully understand the Olmec civilization? _____

Which word tells you so? _________________________

  1. Did the Olmec have plenty or not enough food? _____

Which word tells you so? _________________________

  1. Was the Olmec writing in letters or pictures? _____

Which word tells you so? _________________________

  1. Did the Olmec have an effect on future cultures? _____

Which word tells you so? _________________________

  1. Do we know much or little about the Olmec? _____

Which word tells you so? _________________________
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