Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 7

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ _



An expression (or idiom) is a phrase that means something other than what the
words say. Use the clues in each passage below to figure out and describe each
person below. Then write the meaning of the bold phrase.

  1. When Ms. Jones called on Sue to answer, she didn’t know
    because her head was in the clouds.

  2. Suddenly, out of the blue, the correct answer popped into Sandra’s head.

  3. The fact that Grandma, Mom, and I are all good at art proves that the fruit doesn’t
    fall far from the tree.

  4. Mario’s responsible behavior and attitude show that he has his feet planted firmly in
    the ground.

  5. Don’t bother waiting for Abby to call you back—it could be a month of Sundays.

  6. Kelly tried to explain why she had missed the last three meetings, but her story was full
    of holes.

  7. Leo was walking on airwhen he heard that he had won a ribbon in the science fair.

  8. It didn’t make a hill of beans differenceto Britt that she had never ridden a horse before.
    She was willing to try.

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