Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 7

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: The story does not directly give answers to these questions. What do you think?

Pueblo Village
The Pueblo lived in what is now
Arizona and New Mexico long before
the Spanish arrived. Their homes are
made of adobe, a sun-dried brick.
Sometimes many dwellings were built
together, side-by-side and stacked,
housing hundreds of people.
When you look at pictures of a Pueblo
village, does something strike you as
odd? These Native Americans built their
dwellings without doors—at least the
type usually seen—an entrance at
ground level. The “door” to a Pueblo
home is typically an opening in the
roof. Wooden ladders were used to scale
the buildings.

  1. The word Pueblo is used as a noun and an adjective. What does the noun mean?


  1. Explain the meaning of each of these words as used in the story:

strike: ______________________________________________________________________________

scale: ______________________________________________________________________________

  1. Adobe was defined as “sun-dried brick.” What do you think these bricks are made of?


  1. For what reason do you think the Pueblo put their “doors” on the roof?


  1. What do you think was done with the ladders when all were inside?

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