Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 7

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ _



Use the clues in each description to identify the object. Then draw and label it.

  1. It is a machine that picks up waves
    through the air and turns them into
    sounds. You can tune it to pick up the
    sound source you want.
    2. It is a special kind of hat. It may be
    made of silver or gold with other gems
    as decoration. It is worn by royalty.
    4. It is a container for holding water or
    other liquids to drink. It is usually
    made of metal or plastic enclosed in a
    cloth cover. It has a strap for carrying it
    along with you.

  2. It is a piece of cloth worn over the
    clothing to protect them from dirt or
    spills. It may be worn by a cook or
    other person who works with
    potentially messy materials.

  3. It is a hand-held machine with buttons
    that show numbers and mathematical
    symbols. It is used to add, subtract, and
    perform other operations with numbers.

  4. It is a wooden or metal structure with
    padding on top. It is used to help
    support you as you walk if you have
    an injured leg or foot.

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