Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 7

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: A table of contents can help you preview and predict what the book is about. Use
the table of contents below to answer the questions.

Good readers get a jump on what they are about to
read by previewing and predicting Table of Contents,
headings, and captions. Give it a try!

Chapter 1: Early Explorers-Sea
Lief Eriksson (Greenland)......................... 6
Christopher Columbus(W. Indies)........... .7-10
Bartolomeu Dias (Cape of Good Hope)....... .11
John Cabot (Canadian coast).................... 12
Sebastian Cabot (S. Am. Coast).................. 13
Ferdinand Magellan(World circumnavigation).. 14
William Dampier(Australia, S. Pacific).......... 15

Table of Contents

Chapter 2: Early Explorers-Land
Marco Polo (Asia)............................ 16
Vasco de Balboa(Panama)................... 17
Hernando Cortez (Mexico)................... 18
Juan Ponce de León (Florida)................ 19
Marquette & Joliet (N. Mississippi basin)...... 20
Samuel de Champlain (E. Coast N. America).. 21
Sieur Duluth (Lake Superior region)............ 22

  1. In what chapter would you find information about inland explorers? ___

  2. What pages offer information about Columbus’ voyages? __

  3. Do these chapters cover exploration prior to 1500? ___

  4. The Cape of Good Hope is at the southern tip of Africa. Who sailed around it? ___

  5. Balboa discovered the Pacific Ocean. Was this before or after John Cabot’s time? _____

  6. Magellan circumnavigatedthe world. What does that mean? ___

  7. According to this book, what constitutes “early” exploration? __

  8. These chapters do not mention polar exploration. Why do you think that is so?

  9. What type of book is this table of contents likely to be from? __

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