Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 7

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read the fable of The Boy Who Cried Wolf.Then, answer each question.

  1. What is the main idea of this fable? __

  2. Why did the boy cry ‘Wolf”
    the first time? __
    the second time?

    the third time?_____

  3. Why did the villagers not come to the boy’s rescue the third time?
    O They didn’t hear him. O They didn’t believe him.

  4. Find the word in the story that means:
    help: __ boring: __
    caring for: _____ entertained: __
    woods: ____ hurrying: ____

  5. A fable is a story that has a moral, or lesson to be learned, such as, Actions speak louder
    than wordsor Some things are easier said than done. Write what you think the moral of
    this story is:

The Boy Who Cried Wolf
A shepherd boy was in charge of tending his master’s sheep
near a dark forest not far from the village. But being a
boy, he found the task dull and lonely. He wondered
what he could do to relieve his boredom. Remembering
that his master instructed him to call for help if a wolf
should appear, he decided to call “Wolf” though none
was there.
Immediately the villagers came rushing to his aid. But
when they arrived, they found no threat. The boy was
amused by this, so the next week he did the same thing.
Again the villagers came and again found no wolf.
The next week it came to pass that a wolf did come out
of the woods and threaten the sheep. The boy cried,
“Wolf! Wolf” but the villagers did not come. They were
determined not to be fooled again.
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