Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 7

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Imagine it is the first day of school. Your teacher has passed out the outline below to
study, then, use it to introduce yourself to the group. Write what you would say.

An outline is like a skeleton—a basic framework on
which to build the “meat” of a story or passage.

I. Who I am
A. Description
B. Family
II. What I like
A. Favorite subject
B. Hobbies/Interests
III. My Plans
A. This school year
B. When I’m grown

  1. Where I’ll live

  2. What I’ll do

















Main topics are listed as
Roman Numerals.

Subtopics are indented and
listed with capital letters,
followed by a period.

If a subtopic has
separate key points, they
are indented further and
listed by number.

Each line begins
with a capital
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