Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 7

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Each sentence below is either a fact or an opinion AND a specific detail or a
generalization. Mark each as follows: Specific Fact, Specific Opinion, General Fact,
or General Opinion.

Reading is like detective work. You must be able to
distinguish facts from opinions and specifics from
generalizations. Test your reading detective skills.

____________________________ 1. Like dogs, mice, and cats, all bats are mammals.

____________________________ 2. Bats have odd-looking faces and heads.

____________________________ 3. There are several hundred species of bats worldwide.

____________________________ 4. Little brown bats make excellent pets.

____________________________ 5. Bats sleep hanging upside down.

____________________________ 6. Bats are helpful to us because they eat vast numbers of insects.

____________________________ 7. People should be afraid of and avoid bats.

____________________________ 8. Bats are the only mammals that can fly.

____________________________ 9. The flying fox is a bat found in Southeast Asia.

____________________________ 10. Bats are nocturnal—they are most active at night.

____________________________ 11. Unlike most bats, flying foxes eat fruit.

____________________________ 12. The snout of a horseshoe bat looks like a smashed leaf.

Specific Fact

The brown bat is
common in the
United States.

General Fact

Insect-eating bats
use echo-location
to find food.



Vampire bats are
the scariest bat.



Bats are ugly and
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