Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 7

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: A generalization is a statement that can be concluded about a group of specifics.
To be valid, a generalization must be true for all things and in all cases. Read
each description. Choose the sentence that states a valid generalization.

A. Sara lives in Arizona. The summers are long and very hot, but

Sara loves it because she enjoys swimming and can go for all
but a couple of months a year. Josh lives in Wisconsin, where
the winters are cold and snowy. He loves going sledding and ice-
skating. Abby lives in Pennsylvania. Her favorite thing about
living there is the change of seasons.

O It is better to live in a place with seasons.

O There is no place to live where you can both swim and sled.

O People enjoy living in different types of climates.

B. Green plants contain chlorophyll, which enables them to make

their own food. They require sunlight, water, minerals, and
carbon dioxide to do this. Other plants, such as molds,
mushrooms, and yeasts, depend on food from other sources.
Mold grows and feeds on such things as bread and fruit.
Mushrooms get their food from soil or decaying wood. Yeasts
can live on the sugar in water.

O True plants make their own food.

O Some plants make their own food; others do not.

O Molds, mushrooms, and yeasts are not plants.

C. The making of pottery is one of the oldest human endeavors.

The term pottery refers to tiles, dishes, vases, and other articles
made of baked clay. There are two categories of pottery. The first,
and finest, is called porcelain. Porcelain is translucent, meaning
that some light can pass through it. The other, earthenware, is
opaque, meaning that no light can pass through it.

O Earthenware is a type of pottery.

O Porcelain and earthenware are two types of pottery, or articles made of baked clay.

O True pottery is opaque, meaning no light can pass through it.
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