Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 7

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Always question yourself as you read. Train yourself
to sort the information you read as: important or not
important. It works like a charm!

Circle the letter of the sentence that does not belong in a paragraph with the rest.
Be prepared to explain your choices.

  1. Which does not belong in a paragraph about shrews?
    a. Shrews are mouselike mammals.
    b. There are about 200 species of shrews.
    c. Shrews are not as cute as mice.
    d. Most are land-dwellers, but some are aquatic.

  2. Which does not belong in a paragraph about gibbons?
    a. Asia is home to many wild animals.
    b. Gibbons make their homes in rain forests.
    c. They live in the trees where there is food and shelter.
    d. Gibbons eat fruits, nuts, seeds, leaves, insects, and sometimes young birds.

  3. Which does not belong in a paragraph about kookaburras?
    a. A kookaburra is an Australian bird.
    b. Holes in trees are where kookaburras like to make their homes.
    c. Their favorite food is insects, but they also eat fish, frogs, and worms.
    d. There is a fun-to-sing song about the Kookaburra.

  4. Which does not belong in a paragraph about insects?
    a. An insect has three main body parts—head, thorax, and abdomen.
    b. A spider is not an insect.
    c. An insect’s body is protected by an exoskeleton—a hard covering.
    d. All adult insects have six legs.

  5. Which does not belong in a paragraph about guinea pigs?
    a. Guinea pigs are rodents, not pigs.
    b. Their teeth never stop growing, so guinea pigs must
    gnaw on wood or other material to keep them worn down.
    c. Guinea pigs make good pets.
    d. Like other nocturnal animals, guinea pigs are most active at night.

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