Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 7

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ _



Pretend that the sentences below were taken from students’ reports about animals.
Identify each as a topic sentence(main idea) or a supporting sentence(detail).

  1. The spider monkey is a small
    and agile member of the
    primate family.


  1. A zebra can run as fast as 45
    miles per hour.


  1. Beetles can be both helpful
    and harmful to farmers.


  1. Alligators differ from
    crocodiles in a number
    of ways.


  1. Every tiger claims its own


  1. The horse’s teeth never stop


  1. Frogs can take in water
    through their skin.


  1. Whales are divided into two
    groups—toothed and baleen.


  1. Sloths rarely venture down
    onto the ground.


  1. The toucan is a variety of
    bird known for its large
    colorful bill.


  1. Giant pandas feed mainly
    on bamboo.


  1. Of the seventeen kinds of
    penguins, the Emperor
    penguin is the largest.

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