Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 7

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read the passage. Underline the topic sentence. Put a ✔at the beginning of each
supporting sentence. Then answer the questions.

A Tale of Two Pharaohs
Tutankhamen was pharaoh of Egypt from 1333-1323 B.C. Having such a short reign and
being so young (he died at 18), King Tut was a minor figure among pharaohs in Egypt’s
long history. He contributed nothing of great importance to Egypt in his time, yet, in
modern times, he is credited with supplying an enormous amount of information about
ancient Egyptian culture. It was not in life that Tutankhamen made his mark in history,
but in death.
In 1922, Tutankhamen’s tomb was discovered by Howard Carter, an Englishman.
Somehow, Tut’s tomb escaped rampage for more than 3,000 years. Tut was found just as
he was placed—enclosed in a solid gold sarcophagus, along with all the magnificent
trappings of a king. The huge amount and excellent condition of the artifacts provided us
with valuable knowledge about the life and times of ancient Egypt.
Another well-known pharaoh of ancient Egypt is Ramses II, who ruled from 1279–1212
B.C. At a time when people were on average five feet tall and lived only a few decades,
Ramses was 6 feet tall, lived to be 90, and ruled for some 67 years. He is known as Ramses
the Great because during his reign he asserted his power for the glory of Egypt and built a
new capital and many great temples.

  1. Which is considered a major figure among pharaohs?
    O Tutankhamen O Ramses II O both O neither

  2. Who ruled first?
    O Tutankhamen O Ramses II

  3. Whose tomb was discovered by Howard Carter?
    O Tutankhamen O Ramses II O both O neither

  4. What is a sarcophagus?
    O pyramid O coffin O necklace

  5. Which pharaoh had a reign of unusual length?
    O Tutankhamen O Ramses II O both O neither

  6. Which would not be among the trappings of a pharaoh?
    O jewels O furniture O weapons O bible

  7. Which pharaoh made his greatest mark in history during his lifetime?
    O Tutankhamen O Ramses II O both O neither

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