Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 7

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Think about each pair of things below—their properties, uses, shapes—any defining
description. Then write one way the two are alike and one way they are different.

Almost any two things have similarities and
differences. Compare and contrast is just a fancy
way of asking how are things alike and different.


nest, hive alike: ___________________________________________________________________
different: ________________________________________________________________

Both are homes for wild creatures.

A nest is built by birds, a hive is built by bees or wasps.

  1. planet, moon
    alike: __
    different: ___

  2. elephant, mouse
    alike: __
    different: ___

  3. map, globe
    alike: __
    different: ___

  4. wallet, purse
    alike: __
    different: ___

  5. wool, cotton
    alike: __
    different: ___

  6. office, school
    alike: __
    different: ___

  7. clock, thermometer
    alike: __
    different: __

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