Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 6

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read each statement. Decide how likely each of the three anwers is to be true.
Number them as follows: 1 most likely 2 unlikely 3 couldn’t be

Reading Comprehension • Saddleback Educational Publishing ©2002 3 Watson, Irvine, CA 92618•Phone (888)SDL-BACK•

  1. Haley bought a mouse for her pet. What is her pet?
    a cat a snake ____ a dog

  2. David saved up his allowance for nine weeks. He had enough to get
    _ a college education __ a new bike ____ a video game

  3. Dario ran home from school with the news. It was that
    _ he had straight A’s __ his school was closed ____ he broke his leg

  4. Late last night Karen heard a noise outside her window. It was a
    _ tree struck by lightning __ UFO landing ____ raccoon in the trash

  5. Renee found a stray in the alley. It was
    _ a kitten with no tail __ a cat with a cut on its ear ____ a baby lion

  6. The doctor treated Christopher for an allergic reaction to a
    _ scorpion bite __ wolf attack ____ bee sting

  7. After his haircut, Eddie looked in the mirror and was surprised because
    _ he was bald __ he looked great ____ his hair looked darker

  8. Arthur was thrilled and could not wait to get home to tell his parents about the soccer
    game. He was thrilled because

___ he sat on the sidelines throughout the game ____ he scored the winning goal
____ his coach praised his efforts on the field
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