Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 6

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Na m e : ___ _



Is the information Given or Not Given in the story? Write G or NG.

Reading Comprehension • Saddleback Educational Publishing ©2002 3 Watson, Irvine, CA 92618•Phone (888)SDL-BACK•

_____ 1. Woodpeckers are a type of bird.

_____ 2. A woodpecker’s diet may include berries, fruits, and nuts.

_____ 3. Woodpeckers make an unmistakable sound.

_____ 4. A woodpecker can bore a hole in a tree.

_____ 5. Some woodpeckers have crests.

_____ 6. A cartoon character was based on the redheaded woodpecker.

_____ 7. Woodpeckers live on all continents except Australia and Antarctica.

_____ 8. Some insects live inside tree trunks.

_____ 9. Young woodpeckers hatch without any feathers.


Woodpeckers are known for the unmistakable sound of their mating call—the
hammering of their bill against a tree or other surface.
Woodpeckers use their strong, chisel-like bills to bore holes in
the trunks of trees. It is here that they find the juicy insects
that compose the mainstay of their diet. A woodpecker’s
body is designed to help it cling to the tree’s trunk. Its feet
have four toes—two pointing forward, and two
backward—giving it a good grip. Also its tail has stiff
feathers that help balance and support its body as it
climbs or hangs on to the tree. Woodpeckers’ tongues are
long, usually have thorny barbed tips, and are coated with
a sticky saliva. The bird thrusts its tongue into the hole,
spears the insect, then pulls it out. The sticky saliva also helps
them gather smaller insects such as ants.
Many varieties of woodpeckers exist. Some are common and
others are rare. Their colors and features differ. For example,
some woodpeckers have smooth feathers; others have a more
downy look. Some have crests; some do not.
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