Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 6

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Reading Comprehension • Saddleback Educational Publishing ©2002 141 3 Watson, Irvine, CA 92618•Phone (888)SDL-BACK•

  1. we took the bus to the

  2. he uses a cane.

  3. we went to the bank.

  4. school was closed

  5. we went to the pet

  6. she went to the library.
    Page 48

  7. on a ship

  8. in a graveyard

  9. at a shoe store

  10. in a tent

  11. in a library
    Page 49

  12. Antarctica

  13. Nile

  14. Japan

  15. Mediterranean sea

  16. Australia
    Page 50

  17. farmer

  18. police officer

  19. bank teller

  20. science teacher

  21. computer technician

  22. book salesperson

  23. dog trainer
    Page 51

  24. no penguins live in

  25. she is taking care of
    her teeth.

  26. Dan will not eat meat.

  27. he has more females
    than males.

  28. it is likely to rain

  29. Janet is the middle

  30. Main is south of Rick’s
    and Cole’s.

  31. All other stars are
    farther away.
    Page 52

  32. pickup truck

  33. refrigerator

  34. set of encyclopedias

  35. computer

  36. kittens

  37. baby items

  38. set of silverware
    Page 53

  • They have eyes,

    • But some have six,

    • The fangs are used to...

    • Some use them to
      Page 54

    1. 106-110

    2. Chapter 7, Sect. III

    3. What is Pollution/
      Chief Sources of

    4. 93-94

    5. Chapter 7, Sect. II

    6. Chapter 8, Sect. III

    7. no; yes
      Page 55
      Answers will vary.
      Page 56
      (Sentences checked)
      The girl knows how to
      The scene takes place in
      the past.
      The house has a
      Page 57

    8. M

    9. V

    10. B

    11. V

    12. B

    13. M

    14. M

    15. V
      Page 58

    16. D

    17. D

    18. MI

    19. MI

    20. D

    21. D

    22. D

    23. D

    24. MI

    25. D

    26. MI

    27. D
      Page 59

    28. False

    29. Doesn’t say

    30. True
      4. False
      5. Doesn’t say
      6. Doesn’t say
      7. False
      8. Doesn’t say
      Page 60
      (Suggest order)
      The group of spiders
      known as orb...
      These spiders generally
      have bodies that...
      Orb spiders depend
      entirely on...
      They usually construct a
      When finished with the
      Page 61

      1. Newbery medal

      2. Frederic G. Melcher

      3. once a year

      4. 1997

      5. magazines

      6. American Library

      7. England

      8. artist
        Page 62

      9. Hares and rabbits
        have distinct differences.

      10. Don’t Call Me a

      11. Like rabbits, hares
        come in a wide variety...

      12. Hares are often
        mistakenly called
        Page 63

      13. nothing

      14. No. Shooting stars are

      15. Meteorite

      16. The glowing heat
        caused by friction in the

      17. Answers will vary.

      18. Meteors
        Page 64

      19. An x-ray is a special
        way to take a picture of
        a bone, tooth, or object
        concealed from direct

      20. Crossed out: (A) At the
        (B) The x-ray process was
        3. Answers will vary.
        4. Answers will vary.
        5. Answers will vary.
        Page 65
        (Answers/wording may

        1. to define and explain

        2. A palindrome is a
          word spelled...

        3. It is an acronym and
          gives information about

        4. FYI, ASAP, BLT, ZIP, IQ,
          PC (and/or others)

        5. Yes. It fits the
          definition given.

        6. They are short or
          single words, not a series
          of words.
          Page 67
          I South America is the
          A. The land is...
          B. Most of the
          II The continent of South
          A. Its chief agricultural
          exports are...
          B. Minerals such as...
          III One of South
          America’s outstanding...
          A. Covering an area...
          IV South America’s
          A. The largest numbers...
          B. Many people...
          Page 68
          1.One type of beetle can
          sense the presence of fire.
          Summaries will vary.
          2.The Amazing
          Page 69
          Summaries will vary.
          Page 70

        7. Yes

        8. No

        9. No

        10. Yes

        11. Yes

        12. Yes

        13. Yes

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