Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 6

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Reading Comprehension • Saddleback Educational Publishing ©2002 24 3 Watson, Irvine, CA 92618•Phone (888)SDL-BACK•

Na m e : ___ _



Below are ten different meanings for the word field. Decide which meaning applies
best in each sentence and write the number.

What’s a good reader’s best friend? The dictionary!
It can help you out of plenty of jams, so it’s a good
idea to get to know it well.

A The bones were found in a coal field.

B The speaker will field questions from the audience.

C That tree is blocking my field of vision.

D Geology was her field of expertise.

E The flag of Japan is a red circle on a white field.

F Count on Ty to field the ball.

G The rabbit family lived in the field.

H The FBI set up a field observation.

I Goalposts were set at both ends of the field.

J For ships, the ocean can be the field of battle.

K Mr. Jones is responsible for all sales in the field.

L What field of science do you find most interesting?

M The computer field is growing fast.

N Fields of grain stretched for miles.

field /n/ 1) an open area of land free of woods
and buildings
2) an area set aside or used for a sport
3) the location of a military operation
4) land containing a specific natural
resource or crop
5) an area or division of study or subject
6) a location for practical use outside a
laboratory or organization
7) the visible area
8) the background of a flag
/v/ 9) to handle a ball while playing
10) to answer













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