Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 6

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Opossums are marsupials, or animals that carry their young in a front 1.. They
are the only marsupial native to North America.
Adult opossums range in size from as small as a mouse to as large as a house cat.
They are strange-looking creatures. They have furry bodies, sharp 2. , a pointed

  1. , and a long, practically hairless 4.. Some opossums hang upside-down by
    their tails.
    A mother opossum gives birth to her babies in groups of 5–20. Newborn opossums
    are very small—about the size of a kidney 5.. About 15 infants could fit in a
    teaspoon! The babies are carried in
    the mother’s pouch for about two
    months. They stay with the mother
    for several more weeks as they
    continue to grow. During this time,
    she carries them up top on her 6..
    When in danger, opossums (also
    called 7. ) lie still to appear to be
    dead. This is where the expression
    “playing 8. ” comes from.


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Directions: Read the passage all the way through without stopping. Then on the lines at the
bottom of the page write the missing words. Last, write the word or words in the
passage that provided clues about each missing word.

Reading Comprehension • Saddleback Educational Publishing ©2002 3 Watson, Irvine, CA 92618•Phone (888)SDL-BACK•

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