Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 6

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Na m e : ___ _



Read each sentence. Identify it as the main idea or as a detail. Write MI or D.

Reading Comprehension • Saddleback Educational Publishing ©2002 3 Watson, Irvine, CA 92618•Phone (888)SDL-BACK•

_____ 1. More than 68,000 boxes of cotton candy
were sold during that fair.
_____ 2. This was possible because of the invention
of an electric candy machine, patented
that year.
_____ 3. What we know as cotton candy was
introduced at the 1904 World’s Fair.


_____ 1. The term is believed to have been first used
about 1863 in reference to Dolly Madison.
_____ 2. The wife of the president of the United States
is called the First Lady.
_____ 3. Some “first ladies” hold prominent places in
history in their own right.


_____ 1. Johnny Appleseed was a legendary folk
_____ 2. He spent his life traveling about the
countryside spreading apple seeds.
_____ 3. He is often pictured with a sack and a
long-handled tin pan on his head.


_____ 1. The two who achieved this feat were Robert
Peary and Matthew Henson.
_____ 2. Their success generated world-wide interest
in polar exploration.
_____ 3. In 1909 the first explorers reached the
North Pole.


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