Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 6

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read the story. Then write TRUE, FALSE, or DOESN’T SAY under each statement.
Then write the main idea of this passage on the lines below. Use the back of this
page, if needed.

Reading Comprehension • Saddleback Educational Publishing ©2002 3 Watson, Irvine, CA 92618•Phone (888)SDL-BACK•

  1. Metal was the first material used to
    make shields.

  2. Today’s police use shields made from
    hard plastic.

  3. Early Greeks and Romans used a variety
    of shields.

  4. A clipeus was a rectangular-shaped

  5. Early hunters fooled their prey by
    hiding behind shields covered in
    animal skins.

  6. Shields were effective against rocks,
    spears, and swords.

  7. The invention of firearms made shields

  8. Shields could be held in either hand.

Until firearms came along, the main
protection in a confrontation was the
shield. The concept, still in use today, was
to place a barrier between yourself and the
threat. The shield was designed to be held
in front with one hand, leaving the other
hand free. The shield could be moved up
and down to shield the head or legs, or in
some cases, crouched behind to conceal
the holder.

The earliest people made shields from
wood. The shields were sometimes covered
with animal hide. Later, metal shields
appeared. Their primary purpose was self-
defense. Shields were developed in a
variety of shapes. A large round shield
called a clipeuswas used by the Greeks and
Romans. The Romans also used a
rectangular shield and developed an
oblong variety called a scutum. During the
Middle Ages, shields were decorated with
coats of arms and other symbols.

Main Idea: _____



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