Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 6

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Na m e : ___ _



The sentences below are about orb spiders. Arrange them in order to write a
paragraph. Begin with the one that is the main idea. Add a good title.

Reading Comprehension • Saddleback Educational Publishing ©2002 3 Watson, Irvine, CA 92618•Phone (888)SDL-BACK•


  • They usually construct a web in an open area
    where there is likely to be bug “traffic.”

  • These spiders generally have bodies that are
    large relative to their legs.

  • The group of spiders known as orb spiders are
    named for the type of web they spin—round,
    or orb-shaped.

  • When finished with the web, the spider waits
    for an unsuspecting meal to fly into its sticky

  • Orb spiders depend entirely on their web to
    catch prey.

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