Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 6

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Na m e : ___ _



Follow the three directions for each passage.

Reading Comprehension • Saddleback Educational Publishing ©2002 3 Watson, Irvine, CA 92618•Phone (888)SDL-BACK•

Molting is the name given to the process an
animal uses to shed its skin, feathers, hair,
or body parts. In insects, as a larvae grows,
the outer covering becomes too small.
Snakes shed their skin for a similar reason.
This may take only a few minutes. It is
really weird to watch. Many species of birds
shed their feathers, but unlike insects or
snakes, this process is gradual. Mammals
also replace their hair or fur over a long
period. Perhaps the most dramatic case of
molting occurs in deer and moose. They
shed their antlers every spring.

  1. Underline the sentence that gives the main idea.

  2. Cross out the sentence that gives a detail that does not belong.

  3. Write a good title: ___

(B) When you hear the word mint, you may think
of the flavor of peppermint. Peppermint is a
pleasant flavor to many people. But mint is
actually the name of a family of plants.
Actually about 32,000 kinds of mint exist.
Mint grows all over the world. The leaf and
the oil are used for flavoring in foods and in
producing scented products. Mint may also be
used in some kinds of medicine. Some
common mint plants are lavender, marjoram,
rosemary, sage, thyme, spearmint, and of
course, peppermint.

  1. Underline the sentence that gives the main idea.

  2. Cross out the sentence that gives a detail that does not belong.

  3. Write a good title: ___


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