Na m e : ___ Date: _
Directions: Compare apples to oranges by reading about them. Then, in front of each
statement below, write which applies: apples, oranges, both, or neither.
Reading Comprehension • Saddleback Educational Publishing ©2002 3 Watson, Irvine, CA 92618•Phone (888)SDL-BACK•www.sdlback.com
________________ 1. Are often enjoyed as juice
________________ 2. Edible portion is enclosed in a thick rind
________________ 3. Grow on vines
________________ 4. Are a type of citrus fruit
________________ 5. Are eaten raw
________________ 6. Are frequently served cooked
________________ 7. Keep the doctor away
________________ 8. Are often eaten whole
People have been eating the fruit of the
apple tree since ancient times. Apples
remain one of the most popular fruits for
eating raw and cooking. More than 2,500
different varieties are grown in the United
States alone. Their colors range from deep
red, to gold, to green and their tastes,
from tart to sweet. They are enjoyed
whole, cut up in pies and pastries,
mashed into applesauce, or liquefied into
juice. Their main nutritive value is as an
aid to digestion. Yet apples are so highly
regarded as a healthful food that many
people believe
that “an
apple a day
keeps the
An orange is a
special type of
berry which
grows only on
citrus trees. It is
the most widely
consumed of the citrus
fruits and is highly valued
as a rich source of vitamin C.
Oranges are generally peeled and eaten
raw or squeezed into juice. Rather than a
skin to protect the flesh of the fruit inside,
oranges have a thick, spongy rind.
Though this rind is occasionally grated to
add flavor to a dish, the rind has a bitter
flavor and is not generally eaten. Most
varieties of oranges have a sweet, juicy