Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 4

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read the clues. Write the answer to the questions.

You’re a smart reader, right? Then you know that
one trick that good readers use is to make a mental
picture as they read.

  1. Hanna is X. Jon is O. They make their marks on a grid. What game are they playing?

  2. The trees are bending. The flag is waving. I have to hold on to my hat. What kind of
    weather is it? __

  3. Mia filled out a deposit slip. Then she gave it and her garage sale money to the teller.
    Where was she? ____

  4. Two cars were stopped in the middle of the road. A police car was parked nearby. Soon a
    tow truck showed up. What happened here? __

  5. Stewart bought a ticket. He also bought some popcorn and chocolate candy. It was hard
    to find a seat in the dark. Where was he? _____

  6. Jules put on shorts and a t-shirt. She also strapped on shin guards. She picked up her black
    and white ball. What was she going to play? __

  7. Two big bags sat by the curb. A big truck drove up. Two men got out and threw the bags
    into the truck. Then the truck moved on. What was happening? _____

  8. We looked up at the night sky. Suddenly we saw a bright streak across the sky. Then it
    disappeared. What was happening? __

  9. Ian walked into the office that was full of shiny equipment. He hopped up on the
    motorized chair. Then a nice woman put a paper bib around his neck. Where was he?

movie theater

garbage collection


tic tac toe

traffic accident

the bank

falling star

dentist’s office

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