Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 4

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Na m e : _______________________________________ Date: _____________________


Ancient Times

  • Quilts originated in ancient times.

    • Soldiers wore straw-filled quilted

  • Horsemen wore quilted shirts under
    their armor.

  • Quilts were made of materials that
    didn’t last. Now

  • Most quilts today are machine-

  • Quilting is a popular hobby.

  • Hand made quilts are displayed
    in art museums.

Amanda is writing a report for her social studies class. She chose “quilting” as her
topic. Look at the facts Amanda gathered. Then read the sentences below. Write yes
if the sentence is something you can infer from the information. Write noif it is not.

Let me remind you. Infer means to draw a conclusion
based on information that is not stated.

_____ 1. Quilting has been around since ancient times.

_____ 2. Horsemen might have worn quilted shirts to protect their skin.

_____ 3. The Chinese invented quilts.

_____ 4. Probably no quilts from ancient times are around today.

_____ 5. Only rich people can afford quilts today.

_____ 6. The Dutch were the first to bring quilting to America.

_____ 7. Pioneer women must have given a lot of attention to the details in their quilts.

_____ 8. Prizes were probably awarded at fairs for well-crafted or beautiful quilts.

_____ 9. Quilts became popular as bed coverings.

_____ 10. Quilting today is more of a spare-time activity.

Pioneer America

  • Pioneer women spent many hours

  • Their quilts had complicated

  • Many quilts were exhibited at fairs.

  • By 1883, quilts were on 75% of all
    beds in the country.

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