Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 4

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read the letter and answer the questions.

Wait! What do you know about wolves? Think out
loud about that before you start this job.

  1. From whose point of view is this letter written? ___

  2. How does the character want you to feel? ___

  3. What is the character trying to get you to do? ___

  4. Which sentence leads you to think the character is upset? _____

  5. Which sentence includes the most persuasive thing the character said in order to
    get you to accept its view? _____

Dear Humans,
Please quit trying to release me and my friends back into
the wild. We really like it here in the zoo compound. We have
lots of places to play and sleep. Besides that, we get food
every day, and that might not happen if we were on our own.
You know, it’s not safe in the wild. Most people don’t like us
wolves. They try to scare us off or get rid of us. Believe
me, that does not make for a fun life! There are not many of
us left, so it would be best if you kept us in safe places like
a zoo or a nature preserve. That way our population won’t
dwindle. Is there any reason why another species has to
become endangered or extinct?
You rs t r uly,
Misty Gray Wolf
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