Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 4

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read the story and answer the questions.

Always feel free to reread to get the facts straight.

  1. What caused Mr. Elmore to conclude that a fire was near? ___

  2. Based on what you read in this story, how would you explain what winds do to a
    forest fire? __

  3. Do you agree with leaving the horses behind? Why or Why not? _____

  4. What importance did the firefighters play to the outcome of the story? ____

  5. What is your opinion of the camper? __

The Elmore family just escaped a tragedy. A careless camper forgot to make sure his
campfire was completely out, and the fire set the forest near the Elmore’s home ablaze. Mr.
Elmore saw the smoke and called 911 right away. Firefighters arrived quickly. They began to
knock down the fire and try to keep it from spreading. But the wind picked up and fire
started to speed toward the Elmore’s home. That’s when the family was told to leave their
home at once. They packed up in minutes and headed to a friend’s house a safe distance
away. Unfortunately, there was no time to take
their three horses. Firefighters stayed on the job
through the night and stood guard over the
Elmore’s house. Thanks to the winds dying down
they were able to control the fire, saving the
horses and the home.
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