Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 4

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ _



  1. How would you explain why Arial kept singing through the power outage?

  2. What choice would you have made in that situation?

  3. What would you say to defend the actions of the audience?

Read the story and answer the questions.

Is it okay to go back and reread the story more
carefully if you need to do so? Sure!

Arial was the lead singer at the spring concert in the school gym. She just
started her solo of “You Light Up My Life” when there was a loud snap
and the power went out. The whole gym went dark and her
microphone went off, but Arial just kept singing. Everyone started
to laugh. The principal got a flashlight and went over to Arial to
tell her she could stop. On the way, he tripped on the microphone
wire and fell down flat in front of her. That didn’t stop Arial. She
kept singing as loudly and bravely as she could. The audience was
now in an uproar. As Arial was finishing her song, the lights came
back on. As you can imagine, the audience gave her a standing
ovation. For her next number Arial sang “Coming Out of the Dark.”
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