Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 4

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read the description of the story. Then, write the letter of the set of words that
describes the setting of the story and the time in which it takes place.

Please don’t forget to use inference or “read between
the lines” for clues.

a.forest—present day years e.dock—Revolutionary War times
b.castle—imaginary time f. swamp—prehistoric times
c. another planet—the future g.Nebraska—the late 1800s
d.China—present day h.television station—present day

____ 1. A story about a scientist who time-travels so he can study plant-eating
dinosaurs in their natural habitat

____ 2. A story about some kids who travel to Mars to buy things for their science fair

____ 3. A story about a 15-year-old owl who has vision problems and has to come to
terms with the fact that he needs glasses in order to survive in his environment

____ 4. A story about a monkey who can fly and is the ruler of his kingdom.

____ 5. A story about a young artist who secretly witnessed the Boston Tea Party and
made a sketch of the event

____ 6. A story about a Asian girl who overcame a serious illness and went on to
compete in Olympic swimming events

____ 7. A story about a doctor who wonders whether she should have agreed to leave
her home in the east and work in a little town on the prairie

____ 8. A story about a girl whose mother is a weather forecaster on Channel 6
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