Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 4

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read the poem and answer the questions.

Do what good readers do. Make a picture in your
mind as you read this poem.

  1. Whom do you think the poet is talking to?

  2. What is the poet trying to say? __

  3. Who or what are the “loved ones” referred to in the poem? ____

  4. What picture came to mind when you read this poem? ____

  5. What words tell you what the poet thinks about the future? ____

  6. When you read or listen to this poem, how do you feel?____

  7. What do you think may have happened to cause the poet to write this poem? ____

Hug Tight
Hug your loved ones tight today
Whisper in their ear
Tell them that you love them
And will always hold them dear.

For the future is promised to no one
Young and old alike
So today may be your last chance
To hug your loved ones tight.
— Unknown
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