Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 4

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ _



Analyze the mood of the poem. Write the answers.

Here’s the scoop. The mood of a work in literature is
the feeling it creates in the reader through the topic,
the use of words, and the pictures.

Solomon Grundy
Solomon Grundy
Born on Monday
Christened on Tuesday
Married on Wednesday
Took ill on Thursday
Worse on Friday
Died on Saturday
Buried on Sunday
So that was the end
Of Solomon Grundy.

  1. Is this poem suspenseful, humorous, mysterious, or serious? _____

  2. Why or what makes you think so? ____

  3. Give two reasons why this poem is like a song.
    a. ____

    b. _____

  4. Suppose you could rewrite the poem to change its mood. What would you do?

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