Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 4

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Write yesnext to the statement if it is a correct generalization. Write noif it is not.

This will be no sweat, but first you need to get some
knowledge under your belt. Read about mammals in
an encyclopedia before you do this.

______ 1. All mammals are living things.
______ 2. All mammals grow.
______ 3. All mammals eat.
______ 4. All mammals have feathers.
______ 5. All mammals move.
______ 6. All mammals are dangerous.
______ 7. All mammals are wild.
______ 8. All mammals have eyes.
______ 9. All mammals make noise.
______ 10. All mammals have wings.
______ 11. All mammals are pets.
______ 12. All mammals have four limbs.
______ 13. All mammals are people.
______ 14. All mammals have a heart.
______ 15. All mammals are young before they are old.

A generalization is a statement that is true all the time for the thing or things
which it describes. That sounds a little confusing, but with a little practice you
will get the hang of this fun thinking skill. Let’s try it.
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