Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 4

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read the paragraph about Anita. Then write facts about her on the spokes
of the character map.

Hey, making a story or character map is a cool
way to take notes!

Anita Hanson is a fourth-grade girl with long red hair and twinkling blue eyes. She lives
in Chicago with her mom, two brothers, and one baby sister. Like many girls her age,
Anita loves to dance and write in her dairy each day. Her biggest problem is keeping her
baby sister out of her room. The baby makes a mess wherever she goes and Anita is very
particular about her room. Everyone in the Hanson home has chores (except the baby, of
course). Anita’s favorite chore is bringing in the mail each day. That way she gets to
check out all the mail-order catalogs before anyone else.




Biggest Problem

Favorite Chore


Likes To
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