Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 4

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read the article and fill in the chart. You may write the same information
more than once.

Here’s a hint to make your life easier... putting
what you read into a chart helps you keep the
information organized.


2 Puppy



7 Middle-age

9 Senior


A Dog’s Life
How does a dog’s lifespan compare to a human’s? Simply multiply the dog’s age
by seven and you can see what it equals in human years. During years one and
two of a dog’s life, it is still a puppy. It acts like a baby, eats a lot, and has non-
stop energy. It also must try things many times before it learns them, just like
you. Years three to five are the young adult years. Dogs this age are usually
confident, healthy, and strong. Age six to eight marks a dog’s middle-age years.
They still like to play, be trained, and go for walks but may like to
relax a bit more, too. By this stage of life, a dog is happily part of
your family. If your dog is nine or ten years old, then your pal is
really a senior citizen. Senior dogs are sweet and not
demanding. They may also have more health problems. Most
dogs this age just like to be by your side and to be petted a lot.

Dog Human Stage of Life A Characteristic
Years Years
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