Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 4

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Na m e : _______________________________________ _____________________



Read each paragraph, follow the directions, and then write your prediction.

Let’s play detective. Just keep your eye out for
clues in the details hat will help you predict what
is happening.

Coyote Crossing

Every afternoon, a very confident-looking coyote would show up around the trash
bin at the mini-mart in the small town of Dorado. The coyote appeared to come
from a nearby open field. However, there was a very busy highway between the
mini-mart and the field. People wondered how the coyote got across the road safely
each afternoon.

Predict how you think the coyote crossed the road safely.

People also noticed that the coyote wandered to the store every day a short time
after the 5 p.m. train passed by. This was even more confusing because the train
crossed the highway in the same spot from which the coyote seemed to come.
Everyone thought it was odd that the train, as well as the railroad crossing lights
and bells, did not scare off the coyote during that time of the day.

Now that you have more information or clues, revise your prediction.

One afternoon the mini-mart manager decided to do some detective work. He
parked his truck near the train crossing around 5 p.m. and waited. The warning
lights flashed and guard rails lowered as the train approached.
The traffic came to a stop. Suddenly, the manager saw the coyote
sneak from behind a big bush. Then the brave animal simply
trotted through rows of stopped cars and toward his usual
afternoon destination. What a crafty critter!

Was your prediction close, a little close, or way off? _____

Underline the sentence in the story that first hints about what the coyote was really

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