Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 4

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read each paragraph, follow the directions, and then answer the questions.

Take it from me. A careful reader takes the time
to reread things he or she doesn’t understand.

One summer day, Martin zipped up his front steps and headed to
the front door, which was shaded by the front porch. That’s when
he spotted it. It was dark brown, it was furry, and it was clinging
upside down to the wall just above his front door. Martin’s skin
began to crawl as he realized what he was seeing. He prayed it was
sound asleep.

  1. What do you think Martin saw? ___

  2. What words or phrases prove this? _____

Martin took a deep breath, raced through the door, and slammed it shut. Thank
goodness the movement didn’t wake it and cause it to fly into the house! After he
and his mom talked about the unusual situation, they called the police and asked
for advice. The police dispatcher said she would send out an animal control officer
to remove it.

  1. Do you want to change your prediction? ___

  2. If yes, what words make you think so? __

The animal control officer put a special box over the creature and gently scooped
it off the wall. It squeaked a bit when it was disturbed. “It’s a good thing you called
us,” he said. “Once a bat finds a place to sleep, it keeps coming back. It’s not
healthy to have them near your home. I’ll release it in an open space away from
people’s homes.”

My prediction was ❑right ❑wrong ❑ somewhat right

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