Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 4

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read each sentence. Use a yellow crayon or highlighter pen to highlight
the exaggeration.

Don’t sweat this! Just keep asking yourself—which
part of the sentence can’t be true?

  1. Everyone in the county can hear my dog bark.

  2. Bennie was such a liar that he might as well have
    had a flashing sign on his head that said “I lie, I lie.”

  3. Feeling confident that even a jet couldn’t catch up with him,
    Rasheed slowed his pace in the bicycle race.

  4. Mom’s eyes just about popped out of her head when she saw the
    gecko scamper across the floor.

  5. The lion roared loud enough to make the leaves fall off the trees.

  6. I have so much homework tonight that it will take me several
    years to get it done.

  7. Terra nearly died laughing when her neighbor put holiday lights
    on his garbage cans.

  8. That guy has feet as big as a boat, but he sure can play basketball
    better than anyone I know.

  9. If Grandma packs a tomato sandwich in my lunch one more time,
    I’ll never smile again.

  10. It was said that John Henry could hammer faster than lightning.

  11. The principal was boiling mad when he found out that the
    crosswalk guard was wearing a cow costume.

  12. John built the campfire so hot that it caused the water in a
    nearby lake to vaporize.

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