Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 4

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ _



Read the story and the sentences below it. Write an R if it is something that really
happened in the story. Write an I if it is something Mindy imagined.

If you like movies, try this. As you read the story,
make a picture in your head of what’s happening.

____ 1. Mindy had many notions about the teachers’ room.
____ 2. Teachers turn into different creatures in the teachers’ room.
____ 3. Many teachers go into the room with coffee mugs.
____ 4. There is laughing going on in the teachers’ room.
____ 5. The teachers have a six-foot-high coffee pot.
____ 6. The teachers have passwords to get into the room.
____ 7. Teachers take goodies into the teachers’ room.
____ 8. Weird science is going on in the teachers’ room.

Today was Mindy’s big chance. Her teacher asked her to knock on
the door of the teachers’ room and deliver a note to the coach.
Mindy had never seen the inside of the teachers’ room, but she
had plenty of notions about it. All the teachers went in there with
coffee mugs, so she was sure there was a six-foot-high coffee pot in
that room. Last week she saw a bunch of teachers taking pies,
cakes, and cookies in there. Maybe the teachers were doing science
experiments with foods containing sugar. The other weird thing
Mindy noticed was that there was always laughing and music
coming from that room. But when the bell rang and teachers
came out, they weren’t chuckling. That made Mindy wonder if
teachers turn into completely different creatures when they enter their private
room. She bet they even had passwords. Mindy walked up to the door and held
her breath as she prepared to knock. Just then, the coach walked up behind her
and said, “Looking for me?” Darn! Now she’d never know the truth.
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