Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 4

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Number the phrases to show the order. Then use the phrases to write a short
summary that tells how papyrus was made into paper.

When you sequence you need to think: first, next,
then, and last. Got it?

____ slices laid out lengthwise
____ paper was rubbed smooth
____ whole piece was pressed and dried
____ pith was sliced
____ stem was peeled
____ more slices were laid crosswise
____ whole piece was moistened

The Paper Plant
Ancient Egyptians used the papyrus plant for making things such as sandals,
boxes, and ropes. However, the plant was mainly used for making paper. The
stem of the plant was first peeled to reveal the pith, or core. After that, the pith
was thinly sliced. Slices were laid out next to each other lengthwise. Next, other
slices were laid crosswise on top of those. Later the whole piece was moistened
with water. Then it was pressed and dried. The final step was to use a piece of
ivory to rub the papyrus paper smooth. The Egyptians wrote poetry and verse on
the paper.








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