Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 4

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Look for the main idea and supporting details as you read the story. Then write
phrases to describe them below.

Attention, earthling! Remember that supporting
details can be the 5w’s about the main idea.

✏Main Idea:

✏ Supporting Details:


Bullies. Every school has them, but my school is different. It has an
alien bully. That’s right—an alien from the planet Nasty. This jerk
shows up every day at recess. It teases, calls names, shoves, and
threatens to turn kids into molecules or worse. Sometimes it even
leaves cruel notes in kids’ backpacks or starts vicious rumors about
them. The weird thing is that our teachers can’t see or hear the
brute. That means we kids are left to deal with this problem child
from space all by ourselves. The best thing is just to try to keep away
from it. My friend Robbie and I use the “buddy system” and stay
together at recess. That works pretty well. But one day last week, Robbie was sick
and I was left to fend for myself. Sure enough, it spotted me. “Hey,” it sneered,
“you’re the kid I am going to vaporize today.” That did it. I’d had enough. I faced
the little green mean machine and yelled as loud as I possibly could, “Keep away
from me!” Well, what would you do?
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