Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 3

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Reading Comprehension • Saddleback Educational Publishing ©2002 3 Watson, Irvine, CA 92618•Phone (888)SDL-BACK•

Directions: In each paragraph, underline the topic sentence.

  1. I eat many different things for breakfast. On school days, I usually
    eat a bowl of cereal and a banana. On rainy days, I like to eat
    oatmeal instead because it warms up my insides. But the weekends
    are my favorite because I get to eat scrambled eggs, hash browns,
    and a chocolate chip muffin!

  2. A biography is the history of a person’s life. Many biographies
    contain some fiction. This means the statements are still true, but the
    author makes up the exact words. Some biographies are about a
    president, a musician, a sports figure, a scientist, or an explorer.
    Biographies can also have pictures.

  3. Why do things fall when you drop them? Gravity makes things that
    go up come down. Gravity is the pulling force that affects every
    object on Earth and in space.

  4. Fairy tale and folk tale characters are either good or evil. Evil
    characters are mean to others. They want to hurt people. Good
    characters are helpful and kind. They want to make other people
    happy like Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretel,
    and Peter Pan.

  5. Do you listen to music? One of Thomas Edison’s inventions, the
    phonograph, changed our lives. He thought of it when he was
    trying to record voices. The first words he recorded were, “Mary had
    a little lamb.”

  6. Music was an important part of Indian ceremonies. Ceremonies were
    held for many things, including harvests, hunts, and prayer. A water
    drum was used for the rhythm. Rattles were used, too.


Na m e : _______________________________________ Date: _____________________

Every paragraph has a topic sentence or main idea.
The other sentences just support the topic sentence.
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