Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 3

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Na m e : _______________________________________ Date: _____________________

Directions: Read the paragraphs below and identify the tone and mood the author has created.
Underline the words in the paragraphs that gave you clues to your answers.

Actions and emotions set the tone and mood of a story.

  1. Michaela slowly walked down the long hallway. Her heels clicked
    against the marble floor, and the sound echoed loudly. She was
    frightened. If only Dillon hadn’t dared her to look in the school
    utility room. Everyone knew it was haunted. Michaela could feel
    her heart pounding hard in her chest. There were only ten
    more steps to go. She would take a quick look into the room
    and run away.
    a. Excitement
    b. Fear

    c. Joy _____

  2. Nothing was going Benton’s way! He was getting more and more
    frustrated. First, he forgot the combination to his new lock. That
    made him 15 minutes late for baseball practice. The coach made
    him run laps in the tall grass. Then a bee got into his socks. A
    mean, nasty bee. Ouch! When it looked like the day couldn’t
    get worse for Benton, it started to rain.
    a. Frustration
    b. Fear

    c. Silliness _____

  3. It was almost time for the birthday party. Siena was so exited! It
    was the first party she’d ever given that all of her friends could
    attend. Having a birthday that fell on the Fourth of July was neat,
    but it usually meant that her friends were busy with family
    picnics. Not this year! Siena dressed as quickly as she could. She
    was wearing a new dress. It was a lacy pink dress that her
    mother gave her for her birthday.
    a. Anger
    b. Nervousness

    c. Excitement _____

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