Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 3

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Na m e : _______________________________________ Date: _____________________

Directions: Read the paragraphs and decide if the author wrote to entertain, teach, or
persuade the reader.

Authors write for a reason, either to teach,
entertain, or persuade.

Blast off! The rocket headed into space at the speed of light. Zapp
Galaxy adjusted his helmet and turned off the flashing red button
on the control panel in the cockpit. He would be on Mars before
dinnertime. Zapp was the Federation’s best pilot. That’s why they
called on him for special missions. This mission was the most special
he’d received in his career. Zapp settled back in the control chair.
Suddenly there was a loud bang! All the lights went out in the rocket.
Zapp had to act quickly. He unhooked his seat belt and floated through
the dark to the energy transmitter. Would he be able to reach it in time?

_____ persuade

Chocolate milk is easy and fun to make. It is also yummy to drink!
First pour yourself a glass or cup of milk. You may use whole milk,
low fat, or skim. Then choose your favorite drink mix. Some come
as powder and others are liquid. Measure the correct amount of
chocolate onto a spoon and stir it into your milk. Lick the spoon
and drink! Chocolate milk can be served cold or hot.

_____ persuade

I think everyone should recycle trash. Earth doesn’t have enough
space for all the garbage people make. It is getting into our forests
and washing up on beaches, and harms the animals that live in the
wild. Recycling trash isn’t only good for the environment, but it can
earn you money too. Grocery stores pay money for recycled cans and
bottles, and many places will buy newspaper.

_____ persuade

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