Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 3

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Na m e : _______________________________________ _____________________



To be a good detective, you have to know what facts
are important and not important to the case you’re
solving! So, ask yourself questions as you read.

Page 113

  1. winter
    Answers will vary.

  2. spring
    Answers will vary.

  3. fall
    Answers will vary.

  4. summer
    Answers will vary.
    Page 114

  5. night

  6. He kisses his mother
    and father goodnight.
    Sylvia and Donna:

  7. afternoon

  8. They grabbed school
    trays and placed lunch
    food on it.

  9. morning

  10. Ryan opened his eyes
    and got dressed.
    Page 115

  11. I eat many different
    things for breakfast.

  12. A biography is the
    history of a person’s life.

  13. Gravity makes things
    that go up come down.

  14. Fairy tale and folktale
    characters are either
    good or evil.

  15. One of Thomas
    Edison’s inventions, the
    phonograph, changed
    our lives.

  16. Music was an
    important part of Indian
    Page 116

  17. c.

  18. a.

  19. b.
    Page 117
    Who: Lori, Zack, and
    Lori’s mom
    Where: the panda
    exhibit at the zoo
    When: afternoon
    What happened: A baby
    Panda made eye contact
    with Lori. Lori smiled at
    the panda, and the little
    panda seemed to smile
    back at Lori.

Why: Lori made friends
with a baby panda at
the zoo. She gently
looked at the panda,
named it Paddy, and
made a new friend at the
Page 118
Answers will vary.
Page 119
Answers will vary.
Page 120
Answers will vary.
Page 121
These statements should
have an X before them.
1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13,
and 15
Page 122
Answers will vary. Accept
any reasonable
underlined words.

  1. b.

  2. a.

  3. c.
    Page 123
    Answers will vary.
    Page 124

  4. $25.00

  5. $30.00

  6. $10.00

  7. $15.00

  8. Niki
    Page 125
    Boys’ average score: 87
    Girls’ average score: 88
    Contest winners: girls
    Page 126

  9. Toni and Jason

  10. an arrowhead

  11. the first day of
    summer vacation: a
    Saturday in June

  12. in a stream at the top
    of Summit Mountain

  13. Jason and Toni wanted
    others to see the
    beautiful treasure they
    had found.
    Page 127
    Answers will vary.
    Page 128
    Beginning: Three forest
    fairies find a baby king
    in the forest.

Middle: The fairies raised
the baby Arbor and he
became a fine man. He
learned about his real
family and decided to
find them.
End: Arbor rescued his
mother and by magic
took the evil king far
away. He then became
Page 129
Beginning: Howie is
awakened by his alarm
clock and hurriedly gets
ready for school.
Middle: The teacher
announces that Howie
and Mary Ellen have tied
for class president.
End/summary: Howie is
president on even days
and Mary Ellen is
president on odd days.
Page 130
The bears go for a walk.
Goldilocks enters the
bears’ house.
Godilocks eats the little
bowl of porridge.
Goldilocks breaks the
baby chair.
Goldilocks is tired.
Goldilocks lies down and
falls asleep.
The bears come home.
Goldilocks awakens and
sees the bears.
Goldilocks runs away.
The End.
Page 131

  1. Once upon a time
    there was a hare and

  2. The tortoise
    challenged the hare to a

  3. The hare took off fast.

  4. The tortoise was
    behind the hare in the

  5. The hare was sure he
    would win, so he stopped
    to nap under a tree.

  6. The tortoise passed the
    sleeping hare.
    7. The tortoise beat the
    hare in the race.
    Page 132

    1. 1925

    2. Native Americans
      were granted citizenship.

    3. 1920

    4. 1929

    5. First ice cream bars
      made in the U.S.

    6. one year

    7. False

    8. False
      Page 133

    9. Who: Ponce de Leon,
      What: Explored Florida,
      Why: Looking for
      Fountain of Youth

    10. Who: Vasco Nunez de
      Balboa, What: Explored
      the coastline, Why:
      Found and named the
      Pacific Ocean

    11. Who: Meriwether
      Lewis, What: Explored
      the western U. S., Why:
      Discovered over 8,000
      miles of territory.

    12. Who: John Charles
      Frémont: What: Map
      maker and explorer.
      Why: Mapped most of
      the Oregon Trail.
      Answers may vary.
      Page 134
      Argentina—Maria Estela
      Martinez de Perón
      Bolivia—Lydia Guelier
      Ireland—Mary McAleese
      Great Britain—Margaret
      France—Edith Cresson
      Canada—Kim Campbell
      Page 135

    13. entertain

    14. teach

    15. persuade
      Page 136
      Answers will vary

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