Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 3

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e :Na m e : Date:Date: __

Directions: Use each of these words twice in the sentences below.

Don’t tarry—knowing multiple word meanings
can quickly double your vocabulary!

  1. The _____ I bought my dad matched his new suit.

  2. The sign at the zoo read: Do not _____ the lions!

  3. It is not polite to __ at people.

  4. We _____ our alarm clock to wake us at 8:00.

  5. My mom would __ if I brought home a snake.

  6. A ____ ray of sunshine came through the clouds.

  7. My sister has a __ hamster named Freckles.

  8. The __ on my pencil is very sharp.

  9. Dad wants a new __ of golf clubs for his birthday.

  10. The race ended in a __.

faint pet set point tie

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