Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 3

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ _



Read this captain’s travel log carefully. It describes a trip using analogies.
List the analogies from the travel log on the spaces below.

Whoa, more analogies. Watch out—some may
not be familiar.

It’s hot. Very, very, super hot! Like
sweat is to underarm and smell is
to sneaker, I have not had a bath
in many weeks. Like rat is to sinking
ship and fly is to vinegar, most of
my original crew has abandoned
me. Maybe it had something to do
with me not bathing.
As such, I have been forced to
bring aboard primates. Like ape is
to gorilla and monkey is to golden
macaque, my new crew is paid in
bananas. It saves me money but

July 1, somewhere off the
coast of Bongo-Bongo takes its toll on the mast. These
guys are wild swingers.
Like goal is to hockey and
touchdown is to football, so will I
score when I finally reach the
uncharted island of my destination.
As tall is to tale and short is to
story, the treasure of Long Beard
will be mine when I get there!
However, if I don’t find the island
and the treasure, tell my mother I
promise to follow her advice. Like
law school is to attorney and
medical school is to doctor, I too
will get an education!
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